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Drew Schwartz Offers Video Courses Online For Continuing Education College Credits.

Video Courses

Click here to sign up

My video courses are user-friendly, convenient and effective. They are designed with busy educators like YOU in mind. Click above to enroll in a video course and get started today! Each video course is:

  • Engaging, fun and informative
  • Designed for teachers, administrators, social workers, counselors & other school leaders 
  • Composed of approximately 25 videos (average video length is 3-5 minutes) 
  • Accompanied by a complimentary electronic workbook guide 
  • Designed to empower you with tools to further propel your growth
  • Available for Graduate Credit
  • Filmed in studio as well as amazing places around the world like Paris & Rome

Choose a video course that is right for you:

Empowered Teaching and Learning: In this video course, you will learn a system and tools designed to EMPOWER you and your students. Tools are transformative and you can utilize them with daily lesson planning and more. Together, we’ll learn how to go beyond engagement to empowerment (which includes connection to purpose, motivation, mindset and more). Please click the video below for an intro to the course.

Drew Schwartz Video Series For Educators and Organizations.
Drew Schwartz Video Courses Coming Soon.

Empowered Behavior:  This video course will guide you through a user-friendly, 10 step behavior management system designed to help you support students in taking RESPONSIBILITY for their learning. You will cultivate practical tools as an empowered educator that are powerfully effective because they help you, in addition to addressing behavior, address the thoughts, feelings and needs below the surface with success. Please see the video below for more:

Teachers and other educational leaders:

You can earn 3 Graduate Credit hours per video course!

Courses are offered in partnership with Universities, which means that individual teachers, social workers, counselors and others who’ve earned a Master’s degree can sign up to receive 3 Graduate Credit hours per course (6 Graduate Credit hours for both courses)!  Teachers who opt to take the video courses for Graduate Credit will be asked to reflect on your experience with a couple simple assignments designed to support your work as you empower yourself and your students while earning graduate credit simultaneously.  

School Administrators:

Use Your Video Course For A Professional Development Day Or Send Weekly Videos Throughout The School Year!

School Administrators can purchase a video course “School Package” for your entire school to learn, collaborate and grow together. Whether you deploy the courses over PD days or across the semester or year (like Monday Motivators), your staff will have the opportunity to cultivate empowerment. You have the option of packaging the course with in-person workshops or leadership coaching with Drew to facilitate further dialogue and deeper learning.  

*Please click here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about video courses

Workshops & Consulting

Workshops and Consulting are focused on empowering your school or organization with tools that propel you to new heights. Student Summits are also a popular, empowering form of “workshop” that involves empowering students to think with a trajectory of aspiration about a topic and build together. Each experience (Workshop, Consulting, Leadership Coaching, Student Summit) is highly customized and includes in-person support, tools and resources along with follow-up support to promote your long-term empowerment and growth.

Focus and Topics for Workshops and Consulting Include:

Drew Schwartz Workshops & Consulting
  • Health and Wellness 

  • Growth Mindset
  • Involving Student Voice
  • Strengths-Based Leadership
  • Empowerment vs. Engagement
  • Diversity Dialogues
  • Change Agent Action Projects
  • Holistic Education
  • Behavior and the Brain
  • Dealing with Difficult Situations with Success
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Facilitating Group Decision Making
  • Motivation
  • Executive Coaching
  • Communicating with Success
  • Teacher Walkthroughs and Feedback that Propels
  • Trauma-Informed Practices
  • High Leverage Academic Strategies
  • Creating Group Solutions/Problem-Solving
  • Presenting to Large Groups with Confidence

……and more (just ask)


Hire Drew Schwartz Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaking

At your school or organization, you work hard every day.

Helping others.

Supporting the mission.

The vision.

The possibility.

Your work is meaningful.


Potential laden. 

You are changing people’s lives. 

You deserve a speaker that is passionate, dedicated and honored to work on YOUR team to deliver a message that helps propels your staff forward and resonate strongly. That motivates others. A speaker who offers a combination of tools, meaning and message to catalyze your continued growth. Drew has spoken to schools and organizations all over the country and world on topics such as: 

Drew Schwartz Keynote Speaking For Educators and Organizations.
  • Tapping into your purpose
  • Strengths-based approaches
  • Growth mindset in action
  • Leading with vision, empowered leadership
  • Conflict resolution
  • Communication
  • The power of diversity
  • Your story as a catalyst for growth 

….and more

Drew would be honored to work alongside you and speak to your school or organization.

Contact Drew for pricing information based on your customized plan

Click HERE To Get Started Today!