Our self-paced online learning opportunities offer powerful, practical video courses designed to fit into your schedule. Whether you are an individual looking to catapult your skills with fast, meaningful resources or whether you are a school leader interested in high-quality professional development for your whole school or district, we have what you need. And it’s all packaged neatly with a bow- ready for you to open.
As a talented, hard working educational professionals,
We’re busy.
We have a lot on our plates.
We deserve POWERFUL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT that fits into our busy lives.
Our PD will leave you feeling invigorated and equipped to overcome challenges. Today. Video courses focus on high-leverage ways to empower your success with student and colleagues. Topics include:
Win-Win Communication
Goal Setting
Social and Emotional Learning
Empowering students to take greater responsibility
Growth Mindset
Connecting with Purpose
…..and more
Tools are practical. Tools are research-based.
You even have the option of earning graduate credit from top Universities by participating in the course (fees apply if you want to earn grad credit).
Learn more below about self-paced video courses below.