Welcome, Teachers!
Credit4teachers provides nationally accredited online graduate video courses for Pre K-12 educators.
Earn graduate credit from top Universities
Increase your salary with powerful online video courses
Self-paced, online video courses allow you to learn from the comfort of your home
Fun, convenient and inspiring. Begin and end whenever you want and enjoy!
Interested in learning more?
Ready to start a course?
Earn 3 grad credits per self-paced, video course from top Universities!
All nationally accredited courses:
✅ Offer 3 graduate credits per course from top Universities
✅ Are online, self-paced & include an e-workbook full of great tools
✅ You’ll literally increase your salary from home (salary advancement while wearing your PJs)
✅ You can start and end anytime you want
✅ Each course is based on 20-25 short videos (3-5 min per video)
Courses are designed for busy educators like YOU who deserve powerful, practical tools amid your incredibly busy schedules!
Once you register using the green button below, you’re immediately registered to receive your 3 graduate credit hours. It is that simple! Begin one of our 6 courses below, go at your own pace and enjoy!
Video Courses
Short videos and a practical e-workbook guide you through each video course. Videos average 5 minutes in length and each course includes between 20-25 videos. You are provided with powerful information and can reflect after each video.
Video courses are perfect for learners who enjoy exciting content and ideas presented visually!
Learn powerful tools to help you reduce stress and be more mindful and calm every day!
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51501
Regular price $649
Create a classroom environment which empowers students with mindfulness, self-care & SEL skills which last a lifetime!
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51504
Regular price $649
Learn to greatly improve behavior by empowering students to take responsibility!
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 50458
Regular price $649
Create a classroom environment in which students are empowered to take responsibility for their behavior!
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51503
Regular price $649
Learn to motivate all students in a way that helps them feel strong & excited about learning!
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 50457
Regular price $649
Create a classroom environment which empowers students to tap into their internal resources to thrive!
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51502
Regular price $649