Welcome, Teachers!
Credit4teachers provides nationally accredited online graduate courses for salary advancement for Pre K-12 educators.
Earn graduate credit from top Universities accredited in all 50 states
Grow as an inspirational teacher by learning life changing tools to improve the lives of every student, every day
Salary advancement with powerful online courses starting at only $444 for a 3 credit course
Self-paced, 100% online courses offer flexibility and convenience. Learn from the comfort of your home and begin and end whenever you want
Interested in learning more?
Ready to start a course?
Earn 3 grad credits per self-paced, online course from top Universities!
For a limited time, Credit4teachers courses are on sale for just $444 per person, per course when you sign up with a group of 4 or more friends/colleagues. That’s right, 4’s are wild at Credit4teachers! Each person will pay just $444 and earn 3 graduate credits per course.
To qualify for this group sale, you must all register using coupon code SALEGROUP444 in the same week. Plus, in addition to having fun learning together, you have the option of participating in a group Zoom call instead of your final paper.
Learn with friends. Learn empowering tools. Have fun. Win-win-win!
At Credit4teachers, we believe that teachers like YOU deserve credit for making the world a better place.
We also believe that you deserve credit for salary advancement while learning practical and inspirational tools to empower every student every day.
All of our courses are nationally accredited and:
✅ Offer 3 graduate credits per course from top Universities
✅ Are online, self-paced & include an e-workbook full of great tools
✅ You’ll literally increase your salary from home (salary advancement while wearing your PJs)
✅ You can start and end anytime you want & finish a course in a week or two
✅ Assignments are meaningful, simple and clear
Online Video Courses
Watch powerful videos. Earn 3 grad credits per course.
Short videos and a practical e-workbook guide you through each self-paced video course which are on sale for $489. If you sign up together with a group of 4 or more people, a course is just $444 per person. Once you register, you are fully paid. In other words, this price includes the entire cost of your course and graduate credits. Videos average 5 minutes in length and each course includes between 20-25 videos. You’re provided with powerful information and can reflect after each video. The main assignment is a 4-6 page reflection. Chose from six video courses below, each offering 3 grad credits per course.
Video courses are perfect for learners who enjoy exciting content and ideas presented visually!
Cultivate wellbeing through SEL skills & mindfulness every day!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51501
Regular price $649
Create a classroom environment which empowers students with mindfulness, self-care & SEL skills which last a lifetime!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51504
Regular price $649
Transform student behavior by empowering them to take responsibility!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 50458
Regular price $649
Create a classroom environment in which students are empowered to take responsibility for their behavior!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51503
Regular price $649
Motivate all students to feel excited about learning!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 50457
Regular price $649
Create a classroom environment which empowers students to tap into their internal resources to thrive!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51502
Regular price $649
Interested in a FREE TRIAL to see what our video courses are like? Click below!
Online Book Courses
Read empowering books. Earn 3 graduate credits per book.
Take your time and enjoy. You have up to 6 months for each book course and can go at your own pace. Each course is $489 and includes the cost of your 3 graduate credits and online course guide. Please note that you are responsible for the cost of purchasing your book separately. The main assignment is to write a 4-6 page reflection. For a limited time, use the following coupon code to apply $20 off each book course purchase: bookcourse
Become inspired by teachers across the country!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51810
Cultivate a growth mindset to overcome challenges!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51505
Transform the way you live, love and teach!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51809
Learn what educational research says are the keys to effective instruction!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51807
Create good habits for remarkable results!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51808
Learn to combine EQ with IQ so that you and your students soar!
3 graduate credits
Lindenwood University Course Number: EW 51806